Propel ORM
With ORM Designer you can export definition files from your visual model directly do YAML format. It allows you to focus on development instead of code writing, which might save you up to 70% of your time.
You can easily import existing project, start making changes and export them back to definition files. From now your visual model will always correspond to your definition files.
Thanks to ORM Designer there's no space for typos and duplicated, missing or redundant fragments in your definition files.
ORM Designer has native support for all major operating systems.
How ORM Designer supports Propel ORM
ORM Designer supports all features and techniques available in Propel ORM. No matter if you want to model a simple schema or create a large project containing several plugins. ORM Designer will help you. Below you will find a list of most useful features:
Associations (One to One, One to Many, Many to Many)
Defining of association is really tricky so we added an extra wizard for 1:N and M:N associations to ORM Designer. It will guide you through selection of owner and inverse entity, MN entity specifying and choosing of correct aliases all in easy GUI way.

External tools
You can simple define a set of common external tools and run them directly from ORM Designer. Each external tool is defined by its executable-path, arguments and by default path.

MVC Frameworks
You can use Propel ORM with any of existing MVC Framework.
ORM Designer has explicit support for two largest MVC frameworks: Symfony (and Symfony2) and Zend Framework (and Zend FW2). If you want to use ORM Designer with any other MVC Framework, simply choose "Without MVC" in new project configuration.
ORM Designer customization
Although ORM Designer supports all available features of Propel ORM, sometimes you might need more.It's not a problem.
ORM Designer offers a great way how to extend or customize existing configurations. Define your own datatypes, custom properties, add new behaviors or change existing properties too. Check details here.
Download ORM Designer now!
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.Detailed list of supported Propel ORM features
ORM Designer model properties
Object | Property |
Project | Name, Storage path, Description |
Module | Name, Description, External plugin storage, Export path and format |
Entity | Name, Description |
Field | Name, Type, Size, Required, Unique, Primary key, Auto increment, Default value, Enum values, Description |
Association | Owner/Inverse entity, Reference fields, Owner/Inverse alias, Association Type (one-to-one, one-to-many), Parent requirement, Description |
Many to Many | MN Entity, Owner/Inverse Entity, Reference Fields, Owner/Inverse Alias, Description |
Inheritance | Base/Derived Entity, Inheritance Type, Discriminator Value/Field, Description |
Index | Name, Unique, Indexed Fields, Description |
Propel model properties
Object | Property |
Project | - |
Module | name, namespace, defaultIdMethod(native,none), package, baseClass, basePeer, defaultPhpNamingMethod (nochange, underscore, phpname), heavyIndexing |
Entity | Behaviors, Vendors (type, parameters), isI18N, i18nTable, idMethod(native, none), phpName, skipSql, abstract, phpNamingMethod, baseClass, basePeer, heavyIndexing, readOnly, treeMode(NestedSet, MaterializedPath), reloadOnInsert, reloadOnUpdate, allowPkInsert, package |
Field | Validators, primaryString, isCulture, index, onDelete , phpName, peerName, phpType, sqlType, scale, phpNamingMethod, inheritance, inputValidator, defaultExpr, defaultValue, lazyLoad, scale |
Association | onDelete, onUpdate, phpName, refPhpName |
Propel behaviors support
- customBehavior
- nested_set
- soft_delete
- sluggable
- sortable
- aggregate_column
- versionable
- i18n
- query_cache
- auto_add_pk
- alternative_coding_standards
- timestampable
Propel validators support
- match
- notMatch
- maxLength
- minLength
- maxValue
- minValue
- required
- unique
- validValues
- type
- otherValidator
- customValidator
Propel datatypes support
- Boolean
- Integer
- Float
- Double
- Real
- Decimal
- TinyInt
- BigInt
- Char
- Varchar
- LongVarchar
- Date
- Time
- Timestamp
- Array