New ORM Designer 3 called Skipper is available on our new site

Java Persistence API


ORM Designer is a tool that allows to export definition files right from a visual model by one single click. The definitions are complete and there is no need to add or edit anything. By this, ORM Designer saves up to 70 % of time while working with ORM.

ORM designer can import and export models into several formats. It's possible to use XML or YML definition files or import and export models directly to code by using annotations. Thanks to ORM Designer there's no space for typos and duplicated, missing or redundant fragments in your definition files.

ORM Designer has native support for all major operating systems.

ORM Designer currently supports several PHP frameworks. The implementation of Java Persistence API support is in progress. For more information about progress please follow our blog.

Which ORM Frameworks will be supported?

ORM Designer will be able to import and export models for following frameworks:

  • Oracle Toplink
  • Hibernate
  • OpenJPA

Which formats will be supported?

We want to implement support for Java annotations as well as XML definitions. This means you will be able to decide if you want to store definitions together with your code or separately in external files.

What will ORM Designer do for me?

ORM Designer will offer to create visual diagram of your application model and then export it to definition files or programming code. This means ORM Designer will do following:

  • XML definitions or Java code generating,
  • generation of empty classes for new enties or updates existing ones,
  • defining entities, fields, associations, indexes, etc.,
  • preparing setters and getters for properties and containers,
  • and much more...

I'm interested in. What can I do?

Primary goal of this announcement is to get feedback from potential new users. The best thing you can do is to inform us about your interest. There is several ways how you can do it.

No matter which channel you choose, we will be glad to hear your opinion, interest or ideas!

How can I help?

As soon as first testable version will be available, we will start with public betatest. If you're interested in beta- testing, write us and we will let you know.

We will be glad if you send us your models for our internal application testing (data concerning ORM wil be sufficient). Your data will be treated as confidential.